How to Become a Holistic Esthetician (Skincare Expert)

Holistic Esthetician Career

Estheticians are skincare experts, who administer cosmetic treatments like: facials, massages, hair removal, waxing, and acne treatments. They are licensed health professionals, whose main goals are to improve the skin health and appearance of their clients.

Most, if not all estheticians attend training programs, in which they are awarded diplomas and/or degrees. Some colleges and universities offer holistic-based esthetician training programs, however there is little-to-no difference between courses offered for general esthetician careers, and those offered for holistic esthetician careers.

Moreover, most estheticians are licensed through their state cosmetology boards. In fact, in most cases, state licensing boards require that individuals complete a esthetician training program from a reputable, approved training program, and successfully pass the licensing exam (i.e. practical and written), before practicing as a holistic esthetician.

If you are interested in becoming a holistic esthetician, it is imperative that you thoroughly research various programs, to make that they meet your state’s licensure requirements.

What are the Requirements to Become a Holistic Esthetician?

Educational Requirements

To become a holistic esthetician, you will need to earn a high school diploma or a GED. In addition, you will need to be at least 16 years old. You should be able to successfully complete a holistic esthetician training program within 6 months.

While in your program, you will learn about safety practices, skin conditions, application methods, and sanitation protocols. You will also learn how to perform hair removal services, and administer waxing and spa treatments. Also, you may gain “real-world” experience through internships and/or school-sponsored part-time jobs.

Moreover, you will take a variety of courses such as: English, college math, anatomy, chemistry, business management, sales, accounting, psychology, and/or sociology. At the end of your program, you will either receive a diploma or certificate.

Holistic Esthetician Programs

Some holistic esthetician programs focus solely on alternative therapists. These programs teach students how to use natural skincare products to obtain the desired results.

It is important to reiterate that the courses offered in traditional esthetician programs, and those offered in holistic esthetician programs are very similar, if not the same. Throughout your training program you will learn about sanitation, hair removal processes, skin conditions, spa treatments, cosmetic procedures, and business practices.


During your holistic esthetician program, you will complete the following courses:

  • Anatomy
  • Chemistry
  • Skin Physiology
  • Natural Products
  • Reflexology
  • Aromatherapy
  • Nutrition
  • Skin Conditions
  • Cosmetic Treatments (i.e. facials, cellulite and age-related treatments)
  • Exfoliation

Holistic Esthetician Licensing

Although licensing requirements are based on state cosmetology board standards, you will more than likely be required to successfully pass both written and practical exams. If you are interested in furthering your education in the esthetic field, some colleges and universities offer master’s degrees in this field.

Graduate esthetician training programs teach students how to properly care for complex skin conditions, and perform complicated and/or delicate cosmetic procedures. In addition, esthetician students must complete between 250 and 600 hours of training, depending on the state, and successfully pass the licensure exams. Once you have completed the program, you will be awarded a Master Esthetician Certificate.

What are the Job Duties of a Holistic Esthetician?

An esthetician is a skincare expert/therapist/specialist, who provides skincare services to clients.

As a skincare expert, your main duties may include:

  • Perform facial and body treatments that enhance your clients’ physical appearances, and skin health
  • Perform hair removal treatments (i.e. waxing) to extricate excess and/or unwanted bodily hair
  • Administer body massages (i.e. neck, back, feet, head, etc.)
  • Develop customized skincare treatments that best fit your clients’ skin conditions and types

It is important to note that most estheticians wear protective garments when applying and administering cosmetic treatments. The purpose is to protect themselves from harsh chemicals. Moreover, most estheticians work nights, weekends, holidays, and/or overtime. As an esthetician, you will more than likely work at professional massage parlors, medical clinics, spas, or dermatology offices.

How Much Does a Holistic Esthetician Earn?

As of May 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a natural skincare expert (i.e. holistic esthetician), can expect to make approximately $41,700, per year. Skincare experts that fall in the lower 10% can expect to make approximately $23,100, per year, while those who fall in the upper 10% can expect to make around $67,000, per year, depending on the location (

What is the Career Outlook For Holistic Estheticians?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics skincare careers (i.e. holistic esthetic careers) are expected to increase approximately 17% by the year 2031. This increase will be contributed to an increased desire to prolong youth, reduce the signs of aging, lower stress levels, and improve appearance.

Moreover, many people are turning to natural treatments, commonly offered in stores like Whole Foods. These natural products are less stressful and damaging to the body. They are also less expensive than pricey cosmetic procedures. This interest in natural/alternative treatments is expected to steadily increase throughout the next 5 to 10 years (

Related Reading

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